Unveiling the Mind: 

Convergence of Hypnotic and Psychedelic Realities 

OCTOBER 4 – 5, 2024 – UTRECHT 



In the evolving landscape of psychotherapy, the integration of psychedelics with hypnotic techniques—centered on the principles of suggestibility, absorption, and hypnotizability—present novel opportunities for advancing therapeutic methodologies. The Netherlands Society for Hypnosis (NVvH) invites you to a symposium that seeks to bridge the gap between these two approaches that seek to explore the depths of human consciousness.

Key Themes:

  • Intersecting Realms: Discover the parallels and distinctions between the altered states induced by psychedelics such as MDMA, psilocybin, DMT, LSD and ketamine, and those achieved through hypnosis. Explore how these states offer different paths to healing and self-discovery.
  • Unique Brain Mechanisms: Learn about the latest research showing how each practice activates distinct brain mechanisms, offering unique insights into the nature of human consciousness and therapeutic potential.
  • Critical Factors in Therapy: Explore how suggestibility, absorption, dissociation, and the exploration of the unconscious shape therapeutic outcomes, and how these factors can be used in both hypnosis and psychedelic therapies.

Join a multidisciplinary gathering of researchers, medical professionals, psychologists, psychotherapists, and other interested parties. This symposium is an invitation to share knowledge, foster collaboration, and explore the synergies between these transformative therapies.

The NVvH, a pioneer in the application of clinical hypnosis since 1931, recognizes the importance of these discussions in the evolving landscape of medicine, psychiatry and psychotherapy. This symposium is not just an event but a stepping stone towards a deeper understanding of the mind’s potential. We invite you to be part of this pivotal conversation, to learn, share, and contribute to the shaping of future therapeutic practices. Join us as we explore the fascinating interplay between hypnosis and psychedelics, and uncover new pathways to healing.


  • How distinct or similar are the subjective experiences derived from altered states of consciousness—whether elicited through psychedelics, meditation, hypnosis, or placebo effects? Do these experiences have phenomenological similarities?
  • Is there a common thread of human experience of hypnotic and psychedelic experiences? How similar or distinct are the journeys of MDMA, psilocybin, LSD, ketamine, DMT, with hypnotic states?
  • What can we learn from knowledge on suggestibility, absorption and dissociation for use in the therapeutic applications of psychedelics?   

In addition to setting, what is the role of language and metaphors in the shaping and integration of the psychedelic experience? Both before, during and in the aftermath?



These questions forms the cornerstone of the NVvH’s invitation to researchers, medical professionals, psychologists, psychotherapists, and other stakeholders to converge at the annual gathering in Utrecht on Friday, October 4th, and Saturday, October 5th 2025.


For whom

This collaborative platform aims to forge connections, encourage cross-disciplinary insights, and deepen our collective grasp of the nuanced interplay between hypnotic and psychedelic experiences, thereby advancing our journey into the uncharted territories of the mind.



The Netherlands Society for Hypnosis (NVvH), established in 1931, has steadfastly advocated for the judicious application of clinical hypnosis and hypnotic techniques in medical and psychotherapeutic contexts.

The Friday session will host an conference exclusively for researchers or active therapists in this field, while the Saturday Symposium is open to researchers, medical practitioners, psychologists, psychotherapists, and other professionals, fostering a collaborative environment for building bridges of understanding across diverse fields and backgrounds.

Friday October 4, 2024 – Ketamine in Psychotherapy: Words Adding Substance


Prof.Dr. Dirk Revenstorf, MD, PhD (Tübingen, Germany)

”Ketamine-assisted hypnotherapy, challenging issues. An open discussion with demonstration (videotaped)” 

Prof.Dr. Giuseppe de Benedittis, MD, PhD (Milan, Italy)

“Hypnosis and altered states studies: Latest guidelines in research in hypnosis and research in psychedelic-assisted psychotherapies” 

Prof.Dr. Rupert McShane, MD, PhD (Oxford, United Kingdom)

‘Ketamine in psychotherapy: UK perspective”

Chaired by: Prof.Dr. Eric Vermetten, MD, PhD (Leiden, the Netherlands)

Open invitational conference
This session is an exclusive meeting for researchers, physicians/ psychotherapists/ psychiatrists working in the field of hypnosis and/or psychedelics / and active members of NVvH. Requirements for participation: actively involved in scientific research on hypnosis or psychedelics, and/or actively working as a doctor/psychiatrist/psychotherapist/healthcare psychologist/clinical psychologist with hypnosis and/or psychedelics in healthcare. We reserve the right to cancel your registration if it appears that you are not sufficiently qualified to participate in this meeting. Participation is limited (maximum 50). Registration fee is € 75,-, by courtesy of the Netherlands Association for (Clinical) Hypnosis (NVvH).

De Witte Vosch, Oudegracht 46, 3511 AR Utrecht 

Time schedule:

12.00 – 13.00 Welcome, small lunch available
13.00 – 13.10 Opening by Prof.Dr. Eric Vermetten, MD, PhD en Joost Mertens, MD
13.10 – 14.15 Presentation of the recorded demonstration and commentaries on the use of ketamine in psychotherapy
14.15 – 14.45 Break
14.45 – 15.15 Comments by Prof.Dr. Guiseppe De Benedittis, MD, PhD
15.15 – 15.45 Presentation by Prof.Dr. Rupert McShane:
Ketamine in psychiatry: UK perspective
15.45 – 16.00 Small break
16.00 – 16.45 Moderated discussion with audience
16.45 – 17.00 Wrap-up, final conclusions


Saturday October 5th 2024 

Annual Scientific Meeting organized by Netherlands Association for (Clinical) Hypnosis (NVvH).

Unveiling the Mind:

Convergence of Hypnotic and Psychedelic Realities

Faculty: Prof. Dr. Eric Vermetten, MD, PhD (Leiden, The Netherlands) and Joost Mertens M.D. (current president NVvH)


09.00 – 09.30 Welcome, coffee
09.30 – 09.40 Opening by Prof.Dr. Eric Vermetten MD, PhD and Joost Mertens, MD
Introduction on hypnosis and altered brain states in psychotherapy
09.40 – 10.00
Prof.Dr. Giuseppe de Benedittis, MD, PhD (Milan, Italy):
Disentangling hypnotic and placebo realities in psychotherapy
10.00 – 10.20
Dr. Devin Terhune, PhD (London, United Kingdom):
Suggestion effects in the context of psychedelics
10.20 – 10.40
Prof.Dr. Etzel Cardeña, MD, PhD (Lund, Sweden)
Similarities and differences between transcendent experiences induced by psychedelics and hypnosis
10.40 – 11.10 Break
Introduction to the use of psychedelics in psychotherapy and its impact on altered brain states
11.10 – 11.30
Prof.Dr. Dirk Revenstorf, MD, PhD (Tübingen, Germany):
Ketamine assisted hypnotherapy (videotaped recording of Friday session)
11.30 – 11.50
Dr. Jeanine Kamphuis, MD, PhD (Groningen, the Netherlands):
Realities of ketamine therapy in depression
11.50 – 12.10
Dr. Metten Somers, MD, PhD (Utrecht, the Netherlands):
Psilocybin in the treatment of depression
12.10 – 12.30
Tijmen Bostoen, MD (Leiden, the Netherlands)
Experience with MDMA-assisted psychotherapy
12.30 – 13.30
Lunch break
13.30 – 13.50
Giorgio Mauro, MD (Utrecht, the Netherlands):
Psychedelics and setting: framing issues
13.50 – 14.10
Mr. Liam Modlin, MSc, MBACP (London, United Kingdom):
Psychedelics in treating trauma: hypnodelic?
14.10 – 14.30
Joost Breeksema, PhD (Groningen, the Netherlands)
Phenomenology and therapeutic processes experienced by patients during ketamine treatment
14.30 – 15.00
Integration (panel discussion with audience)
15.00 – 15.30
Hypnosis as a bridge?
15.30 – 15.45
Joost Mertens, MD:
Measuring hypnotizability; a predictor of psychedelic response?
15.45 – 16.10
Jan Olthof, MSc (Maastricht, the Netherlands):
Narrative use of Altered States – Bateson, Erickson, and beyond
(moderated by Prof.Dr. Eric Vermetten, MD, PhD
16.10 – 16.45
Panel discussions with ‘revolving faculty’ and the audience
16.45 – 17.00
Wrap up, closing remarks
Closure, drinks


De Witte Vosch, Oudegracht 46, 3511 AR Utrecht


Registration fee’s (live or online participation):

  • € 175,00 member NVvH
  • € 300,00 non-member
  • €   75,00 students (live: limited number seats available)

Accredition has been applied:

  • ABAN
  • FGzPt


Click here to download the program and speaker references

Nederlandse Vereniging voor Hypnose (NVvH)

Stadsplateau 7-8.22

T. 085 – 90 22 839
E. info@nvvh.com